Friday 19 June 2009

Has anyone seen my integrity?

Well I did it. I crossed the line from being idealistic mom to do-whatever-it-takes-to-get-the-job-done mom. I mixed Deaglan's antibiotics with vanilla ice cream to get him to take it.
And I don't feel as sinister as I thought I might.
After wearing most of the dose to work this morning - penecillin and violet sheer don't go as well as you might think - I brainstormed all day, a plan to pull the wool over my own child's eyes.
Go ahead. Throw your stones. Tell me that the properties of the antibiotics become ineffective when mixed with sugar (okay please do tell me if you think this could be true - I'm not as fearless as I'm trying to seem right now), judge me harshly if you must. I can take it.


  1. Well, I say... good for you :)

    Sometimes (okay, most times) kids don't know what's best for them. You gotta do what you gotta do to help them, whether they like it or not.

    And yes, sometimes, whether they know it or not.

  2. I think that you are a very smart mommy!! The most important thing is to try and get that antibiotic in him no matter what. You should see the medicine battles that I've had over the years. I like your idea. I think I'll try it in the future. I wish I could chop up my big horse pill antibiotic and put it in some ice cream too :)

  3. LOL-Sometimes we Moms have to do whatever it takes. Bottom line, you were successful-that's what counts the most. I am not sure about ineffectiveness. It never seemed to effect Noah negatively. Yay-you. :)

  4. no harsh judgements here! i'd do the same if i had to! kudos to you for coming up with something to help your boy get better!

  5. any way you can get the meds down is a good way in my book!

  6. I hear you! I always said I would not allow any TV until age 2. Now I cherish those 30 minute Baby Einstein breaks once a day!

    I think it should be alright to mix it just make sure he eats all of it!

    Next time can the pharmacy add some flavoring? Ours will add any flavoring (188 to choose from) for a small fee. However, T Rex LOVES the natural flavor so we're safe!

    Good luck and hope the little one is better soon. How are you doing?

  7. I can't remember how I'd get Jamie to take it. My mom used to put mine in a jelly sandwich, lol.

  8. Whatever it takes to get the job done, I say! Wait til he is two, you may slide some more.......

    Don't be too hard on yourself, Kim, as with everything - moderation is the key.xx♥

  9. If this is losing integrity, I'm in serious trouble! and I love vanilla ice cream! I'm sure all will be well. ~rick

  10. I'm impressed. Wish I would have thought of that when the kids were younger. Very creative mommy!

  11. THANK GOD!!! he needs the antiobiotics! you gotta do what you gotta do to get them down the hatch!

    and i am sure glad a nanny cam isn't around when i am trying to get antiobiotics down my cats throats. maybe next time i'll offer them a little vanilla shake with a little something something extra? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. maybe!

    hope you have a great weekend, and thank you for the words of wisdom you left on my blog. i really appreciate it! :)

  12. What are you talking about, "Where's your integrity...?"

    Let me see if I understand. You got your chilod to take medicine he needs without creating undue trauma by shoving it down his throat while sitting on top of him? Not seeing a problem.

    You aren't giving IN to anything, you're thinking out of the box. Something mommies need to do frequently. (It will not be any different when he's older... your methods will adjust accordingly.)

  13. Good for you, girlfriend! You're learning! Bribes are good, too. Have you learned that yet?

  14. I honestly see NOTHING wrong with what you did. And I LOVE that photo of you too. Too cute.

  15. I agree.. I htink this is a great idea!! And very creative!

    We just smile, say "mmmmmm.. dessert" a lot, and when that fails, we sing "Twinkle Twinkle" to get him to look up at my hands (the stars. ) Usually works.

  16. No judgement here... I have to give both of my kids a laxative every single day, and I'm constantly trying to come up with new ways to get them to take it! Whatever works Mama! Whatever works!


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