About Kim McNamara and Q&A


I'm Kim and I write stories about my life here. I started this blog in 2007 a few months before my first son was born. 

I was born in Bangladesh but was adopted by Canadians when I was seven. I live in London, Ontario. I had my kids after I turned 35 even though I always knew I wanted to be someone's mom. It turned out to be true, I love being a mom!

I also love fashion, red wine, Anne Lamott, Netflix, weekends, Springsteen, thrifting and my husband's cooking.

I can't stand oatmeal and hate bad tippers - I was in the service industry for far too long to let go of this grudge.

My husband is Shaune. We met in the restaurant business and he stayed in it until he started selling cars. He sold them for a long time (Acuras) but then decided to go to teacher's college. Now he teaches high schoolers the culinary arts. 

He also does all the cooking around here.

These two guys are Deaglan and Naveen. Deaglan pronounced Declan. And Naveen rhymes with ravine.

Naveen is on the left and he's three. Three, oh delightful, naughty scrumptious three. He's a terrible eater, can't pronounce his R's, is the instigator of the two and is the best cuddler in the world. Deaglan is on the right. He is six. I love six on him. It's smart, funny and still very sweet.

I write about them alot. I can't help it - they fill my days up with joy, love and often the need to practice my deep breathing.

Here's an old shot of the four of us.
Here's one of us just this past Christmas.
I get asked these questions often but if there's something else you want to know, please email me directly. I'd love to hear from you! kimmcnamara71 (at) hotmail (dot) com.

What do you do for a living?
I work full time in the marketing department of a large financial services company. I've been there going on ten years. I don't write about my work life. 

Has your writing been published anywhere else?

My post Dove was included in an anthology (April 2011) called About Her: Stories of Grace, Grit, Grievance and Gratitude and I was fortunate enough to have my post Own your body syndicated on Blogher on April 3, 2011 and my posts I wouldn't be a good stay at home mom  and Confessions of a breastfeeder - sequel were published at Yummy Mummy. Most recently my post How to be a working parent was featured on Blogher.

Do you give parenting advice here?
Not really. I try to write about how motherhood has been for me. 

Any advice on what to keep in mind when blogging?
I'm certainly no expert but I think you have to write about what you know. Focus on good writing, and include pictures if you can. A blog is not an encyclopedia entry, it should be about you and your life.

Will you advertise or do product reviews?
Yes. If I think the product fits in with my content we can discuss it. 

Can I write a guest post if I have an idea I think you might like?
I get this question a lot. I don't allow guest posts other than my husband.

I wrote a mean comment, why did you delete it?
You do have a right to your opinion but if I think your comment is hurtful or insensitive, I will delete it.

Why don't you comment on my blog?
I try, I really do. I have so many wonderful blogging friends (see Friends and Inspirations tab underneath my header) faithful, kind readers who for whatever reason come back again and again. Everyday I'm trying to strike the balance between working full time, raising two small boys and finding time to write.