Sunday 10 April 2011


The first year is demanding.
Hormones. Sleep deprivation. Uncharted shift from how things were.
Labour intensive and hands-on.

There's crying, crying, crying. From both of you. And because it’s all in your hands, you watch every minute, to prevent. Choking, falling, hungering, rashing.

There's mastitis, no time for showers; bickering, tight waists, and swollen breasts. Frumpy dumpy days.
And those days you believe you're doing it all wrong because nothing is on schedule. Not the smiling, not the rolling over, not the crawling, teething, walking or talking. And guilt about food, TV and how-to-play. Comparing. Isolation.

Nobody could have told you the truth of it. They offer their experience, you read what to expect. But always, your baby is the exception.

And yet it’s seamless too.
The incessant kissing and hugging. Pet names. Possession. The final brush strokes on your family portrait, a complete knowing of what you will do from now on. Unwavering affection. An aim and true purpose. Every moment counts but if you don’t stray too far you can begin again.

You look at this seedling and remember that even last spring he was not here. And now he is almost walking, almost sleeping through the night, almost one. You revel in this. The fruits of your labour.
Shaune took these pictures a few hours ago in our backyard. Gramma is responsible for this hat. Can you even stand how adorable he is?


  1. Awwww, this is such a lovely yet bittersweet post. He is precious!!! And you described the first year of life to a T!!!

  2. Oh my word... He could not be any cuter!!! Love the hat...

    And as always, love, love, love the words. Beautiful :-)

  3. He is so, so precious Kim. Hang on to every moment, my dear friend:)

  4. Photos and words are both beautiful.

    I needed to read something like this after nearly a week of no sleep at night. Three new teething coming in for Bebe Sister. But she is so sweet and wonderful, I suppose it is all worth it in the end.

  5. I can hardly stand how cute he is! I see a lot of his big bro in him in these pics, especially the first one.

  6. WOW. There is so much insight in motherhood. I am sure the harvest is always good.

    And, I missed coming here Kim. Hope you are doing good.

  7. Naveen is beyond beautiful! Those pics are so cute! You have put the whole first year post partum into beautiful words. Makes me remember all the hard work I've done as a mom to 4. WOW...crazy! I can say it over and over! I love your writing!

  8. You said it all and you said it beautifully, my friend :) That handsome fella looks gorgeous in that hat. He is looking so much like Deaglan now.

  9. Cute, cute, cute and then some more cute on top! Those cheeks are just oooooooooey gooey goodness!

  10. Oh, that hat is so stinking cute!

    And yes, I stopped reading and grabbed my boobs when you said mastisis. OUCH.

  11. NO!!!, I can't stand it...He IS adorable and He is such a lil' man.
    Oh the ups and downs of mommyhood, that will evolve... from teething to nightmares, temper tantrums to slamming doors, crying to well um crying still....
    But, it's worth it cuz more evolution happens, reaching to be picked up by mom to reaching for your hand when crossing the street, enjoying just the gift wrapping paper to "This is the best present ever!!!" and grins to spontaneous "I Love Yous"!!

  12. 41 years later you remmber; the hug, the smell behind their ears, the first time they truly smile at you, tucked together taking a nap in front of the TV, the first time you see your grandchild.
    writing it down will help you remember.

  13. He is absolutely adorable! The years go by so fast. What is good for one mom, doesn't always work for another. I had to learn to let go of that guilt.

  14. What a hat! Such a cutie. It is good to have survived that first year.

  15. I cannot. He is too adorable for words, but in a way that is deeper than some sweet lil kids pictures.

    Tremendous, truly!

  16. I can hardly stand it! ADORABLE!

  17. It is all soooo true! He is adorable and I love the hat!

  18. A year already? Seems like you just had him! (Adorable in that hat.)


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