Thursday, 23 February 2012

What little boys are made of

That’s it.

I’m bottling up my little Naveen’s bursting-at-the -seams cuteness and sending it to all of you. Just a warning though, it won’t be all sweet cream. There might be traces of souring, tainted from the way he holds us hostage these days with his volatile tantrums, throwing himself full body onto the floor at even the faintest hint of noncompliance on our parts, shrieking with discontent.

Like a few days ago when he got it into his head that he needed a cookie, and so started with an endearing little question “Mama? Ki-Ki?” And then when I didn’t respond immediately enough for his liking, because well, I was driving, he turned it up a few notches, “KI-KI!!!!!” A warning that someone had better get him a goddamned cookie or some major shit was gonna hit the fan and he wouldn’t be held responsible for the aftermath.

We’ve been riding the kiddy rollercoaster of ecstasy, times where we can barely contain our urge to gobble him up, and agony, wide-eyed shock that this screaming, kicking banshee is our babiest boy.

And you should see the three of us – yes even Deaglan has learned that it is best to just comply with his royal highness – racing around, doing his bidding, torn because he’s too young to discipline but sensing that he understands the power he wields over us, like a sloppy drunk holding a loaded gun.

Oh Toddlerhood, you are bittersweet.

They did a photoshoot at daycare a few weeks ago. Can you see the equal parts slugs and snails and puppy dog tails in those mischievous eyes?


  1. I love that picture from daycare! He is so adorable. I honestly know that my toddler plays me all the time! I think he is the mastermind of the family.

  2. Oh I know those days are coming. Wait, who am I kidding? They're already here.

  3. He looks all sweet in his picture to me! :-)

  4. Oh boy! He looks so charming in the photo, but I know better. I have one of those who can bat an eyelash and make your heart melt one minute and suddenly become a tyrant the next. I feel your joy and pain.

  5. My dear friend.... I refuse to believe that anyone this adorable is capable of volatile tantrums. There's too much sweetness there :-)

  6. 'Like a sloppy drunk holding a loaded gun...' Oh Kim...those words are PERFECT to describe toddlerhood. Bloody tyrants but so darn cute it's hard to stay mad for long.

  7. He's getting so big! What a cutie! If I could, I give him a Ki-Ki too Kim:) Hugs!

  8. Oh my goodness...your baby and my baby are meant for each other!!! I just wrote something similar about my youngest and her screaming ways on Tuesday. Let's get them together for a playdate soon, OK? ;)

  9. Aww. Toddlerhood is such an amazing time.

  10. I adore this post Kim. You had be laughing out loud! Yes, sounds like he is the Master! Bless you as you continue to balance all that you do and raise these two gorgeous mini-you and Shaune's into fine young men! xoxo

  11. I can see it all in there!! Precious!! I often say that God made my youngest so cute, so that we won't throw him out! We all tip-toe around him too. Isn't it funny how the dynamics change with the second one?

  12. He is the cutest. And he's just entering the terrific terrible two's a little early. We are given that which we are able to handle. Remember this.

  13. Love that image "sloppy drunk with a loaded gun" - who would think those words would make me chuckle!

    He's a cutie for sure. Terrible two's are never fun. Lovable one minute explosive the next. Hey, wait a minute...that sounds like my teenager!


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