I don't know if this look of irritation has always been there or if he developed it over the last year and a half as the result of becoming second fiddle in this household. All I know is that I'm already being bossed around by a tiny tyrant in diapers and pleasing this sour puss is the last thing on my mind these days.
It wasn't always like this though. We used to be close, Crash and I.
Our vetrinarian Dr. Jen saved him from a close call with death when Animal Control found him on the side of the road mangled, bloody and barely breathing. She said that they were ready to euthanize him when they heard the tiniest little "mew". Dr Jen and her team felt compelled to at least try to save him but didn't hold much hope assessing from his condition that he had to be at least 12 years old and in very bad shape.
But thank goodness they did because within the next few months this old and battered feline healed into a vibrant, gorgeous and feisty cat. Dr Jen realized that her estimation of his age was far off and that he was only two or three years old. They named him Crash not only for what he had already endured but also because of the havoc he began to wreak in the clinic - running into walls chasing balls, demanding his needs in clear and articulate meouws, tormenting the patients there on short visits.
At the time, Shaune or I had been making weekly stops at the Vet's office to pick up insulin for our old pup Judge who had been diagnosed with serious diabetes a few months prior. And each week, Dr Jen would have a different rescued animal (almost always cats) in the display crate in the front lobby of the clinic in hopes that an adoption or two would take place. A few times Shaune would come home and mention this one cat. It bothered him that this cat seemed to have been there longer than any of the others that were up for adoption.
Well I guess you know where this story is going. It bothered Shaune more and more and weirdly, I never saw this particular cat on my trips to the clinic. I would ask Shaune - is it the one with the orange stripes? No. The odd grey cat with the stitched up eye? Nope.
Finally, I said, well lets ask about him. We did. Dr Jen and her staff were thrilled that we were interested. They knew us well - our dog Judge had been their patient for the past 9 years and he had singlehandedly probably paid Dr Jen's mortgage for at least a full year - with his knee replacement, X-rays and ultrasounds, yearly shots and insulin, not to mention several one or two week stays at Hotel-So-Expensive-We-Considered-Selling-The-Shirts-Off-Our-Backs-Just-To-Pay for his recovery.
Anyway, they couldn't be happier that we wanted to take Crash home. He'd been with the clinic for almost five months most likely because people were looking for kittens.
That was two and a half years ago.
These days I grumble and complain about the attention he demands of me. I threaten him when he's using my furniture as a scratching post. I hover close by when Deaglan is smothering him with kisses and bear-hugs. But at the end of the day, I have to admit he's been a pretty good sport about becoming second fiddle.
That made me cry, He was meant to be yours. Sniff.xx♥
ReplyDeleteOur dog became second-fiddle when our son was born...our pets are our first babies, true?...he sounds like a wonderful cat!!! He's beautiful, too!! Love the photo! Just priceless! What a personality! Enjoyed this so much! ~Janine XO
ReplyDeleteI am allergic to cats but I love them anyway. they have such personalities. Your husband sound perfect for you...
ReplyDeleteit's funny how cats can play on our emotions. if they weighed two hundred pounds they would eat us in a sec but we pretend they wouldn't. I've saved dozens and have no furniture. just wooden skeletons. ~rick
ReplyDeleteawwww... it makes me so happy that someone cared enough about an animal that had been hit by a car on the side of the road to take him to the vet. I am such an animal lover...good for you for bringing Crash into your homes and hearts. Cats are fabulous!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet story!! I'm such a sucker for pets. Now you've made me want to go check out the local shelter. :)
ReplyDeleteHow nice that you gave Crash a loving home and a second chance for a nice life. I've never had a cat, but Crash is a beauty. I hear cats can have feisty personalities. I'm sure Deaglan loves having Crash around as a play buddy. Crash would rather nap, I guess:)
ReplyDeleteawww, i loved that story!
ReplyDeleteThey adjust - our four-legged kids have done so. He's probably just glad to have a second chance at life - that "crash" probably used up most of his nine lives!
ReplyDeleteI feel the exact same way about my two "previously only" children, my two Labs. They give me this same sour puss face eVERY DAY. Who needs it?! But we love 'em!
ReplyDeleteCats, unlike dogs, have a sarcastic streak. He's a cutey.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed this post, as always, Kim. (And turning 17 months in the previous post was great reading as well.)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads-up on my Brought To Book post. I think I've fixed the problem. Could you (when you have a minute) see if you can open the post now, please ....
Sorry this is off-post, Kim, but the novel can be found by:
ReplyDeletea) clicking on the first link in the post which will take you to the Penguin option. From memory the book costs about $7 plus postage.
b) it's also available on a number of websites for the same price. Linux Bazar is one of the sites and several bloggers have ordered it successfully from a couple of others.
crash! i love the name! i love the kitty! and i am so glad that you still care for him. i know it is natural that pets get shoved to the back seat of the bus when the kids arrive. there is only so much time and attention available. oh, but i feel for the pets in this scenario!
ReplyDeleteand thank you so much for your comment on my blog. you make some valid points. i will pony up and i will do what needs to be done. i am less fritzed now and all will work out. i think i'll insist on renting a car, just so i can have a little freedom and flexibility vs. total confinement. thank you again -- your words meant a lot to me.
sorry for the long comment!
and hope you and yours have a wonderful weekend!
Pets add so much to our lives! What a great story he has!
ReplyDeleteI posted the award you gave me. Thanks again!
Oh, Kim I know. I feel guilty a lot when I think about the other living things that have suffered since I was blessed with Noah 7 years ago. I have lost numerous plants, my dog begs for my attention, and my husband-let's say he struggles sometimes with my fatigue. We can't do it all. :)