this is you at 11.5 weeks. I know it's early to start a dialogue with you but I really wanted to tell a bit about your big brother.
But first I want to say that it was such a relief to finally confirm that you were in my tummy this morning. When the Ultrasound technician was first taking measurements and probing around with the thingy they use, I tried to read her face. She was virtually expression-less. I could hardly breathe from the anxiety I was feeling. I mean I knew you were in there but you can't imagine the worry that goes through a pregnant woman's mind especially these first few months. So when she finally turned the screen toward me and I could see your glorious little form in my sac I wanted to laugh and cry. I exhaled and silently thanked God for you.
Anyway, back to your big brother. Just a few things. We're trying to get him prepped for your arrival. I figure it's not too early. We have our work cut out for us though. For instance, I've told him several times that you are a baby in my tummy. But later when I ask him where the baby is, he insists on pointing to himself and saying baby. Don't worry though, I think this could work itself out with a lot of repitition on my part. Also, your Dad and I have begun the arduous task of teaching him about sharing. I gotta be honest with you - he's not all that into it. But we know how important this will be for your arrival so we won't give up.
And Baby, we don't by any means want to encourage competition between you and your brother. We already know that we love you just as infinitely as we do him. However, if you feel strongly about defeating him on a few things may we suggest that you make your debut as a champion sleeper. It would raise a few eyebrows and the way we see it, it could be a win for all of us. No pressure though.
I also wanted to include you in this letter to celebrate with me the eve of your big brother's 23 month birthday. In a month and a day he will be two. I don't want to say I can't believe it because frankly I don't remember a time when I didn't know him. Okay I do remember but life seemed to have become exponentially more joyful since he came into our lives. After you establish your place here (and you can count on your Dad and me to help you with this) I think you will really like your big bro. He's pretty funny and has a wonderful heart.
Love always,